
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The State of Personal Computing

So here we are, at a tipping point in personal computer history.

Windows 8 and OSX 10.8 seems to want to push us into using, essentially, giant mobile phones. With the giant grids to launch applications, concealment of all inner workings of the OS, and this push to put all of our personal data on "the cloud", what are we to do?

I prefer to have control of my information rather than rely on automatic saving and uncontrolled syncing over the Internet. I feel like we are going through change for the sake of going through change. Sure, a giant phone GUI with pre-k style inputs will help the non-tech-savvy population embrace their computers. But what about those of us that prefer a OS that has a bit more depth than a McDonald's cash register?

The obvious choice is Linux. I really like Linux. I use it on my servers and use it as my main portable OS. However, if you've been keeping track, lead developers of the main Desktop Environments are falling into the same trap! GNOME3 and Unity mark the strongest push yet for 2012 to be "the year of the Linux desktop." The developers seem to think "sleek and simple" means plagiarize popular OS ideas and strip options that don't fit.

So what are our options? Why don't we take the best of each OS and combine them into one?
I like Snow Leopard. I really like Aqua. I love the way OSX handles applications. And, most importantly, there are some proprietary apps that I like more than the open source alternatives.
I like the open source aspect of Linux. The customizability. The packages. The community.
I hate Windows, outside of gaming. Steam is coming to Linux and my favorite games work with OSX. Wine works for everything else.

So lets see...
  • Darwin is open source.
  • X is open source.
  • XQuartz is open source.
  • GNUstep is open source.
 Add a desktop environment of your choosing and you're done? I feel like if it were this easy, it would be a pre-packaged distro by now. Does anybody else share my desperate hope for an alternative OS in these desperate times? Or should I just shut up and go back to Crunchbang?

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